Draft Concepts Survey

Please let us know your thoughts on the draft concept possibilities below!

Question title

What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL segment?

What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL segment?
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What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the DOWNTOWN segment/improvements?

What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the DOWNTOWN segment/improvements?
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What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the BEACH AREA segment/improvements?

What are your thoughts on the draft concepts for the BEACH AREA segment/improvements?
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Question title

Please rank your preference for the PEDESTRIAN overall concept possibilities.

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Please rank your preference for the BICYCLE overall concept possibilities/improvements.

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Please rank your preference for the TRAFFIC overall concept possibilities/improvements.

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Please rank your preference for the CHARACTER & SENSE OF COMMUNITY overall concept possibilities/improvements.

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Please provide your contact information, especially if you'd like us to keep in touch with project updates!

Project Timeline

Data Collection

Fall 2022

Lewes Mayor & City Council Workshop

Thursday | March 30, 2023 | 9:30 AM

Lewes City Hall  | Council Chambers

Public Workshop #1

Wednesday | April 26, 2023 | 6:00-8:00 PM

Lewes Elementary School 

Concept Development

Spring-Fall 2023

Project Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 855-925-2801   Code: 4785