Lewes Bike Plan
Lewes Bike Plan
The comment period for the draft Lewes Bike Plan is now closed. The finalized plan will be posted here once complete. To view the draft Plan, click here.
The Lewes Bike Plan seeks to create a community that encourages walking and bicycling for fun, errands, and commuting. All who live, work, or visit Lewes should have access to a bicycle and pedestrian network that is safe and comfortable for all ages and abilities, is clearly identified, and provides amenities throughout its use. This network will provide connections to popular destinations within and outside of town limits, resulting in a thriving, healthy community.
The Lewes Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Lewes BPAC) has served as a steering committee for this effort. The Project Timeline below provides an overview of the key milestones including Lewes BPAC meetings and Public Workshops, and includes links to recordings of each Lewes BPAC Meeting. The Public Workshop tabs include more details on the two Public Workshops held to collect public feedback to develop reccomendations. The Documents tab includes links to the slides presented at Lewes BPAC meetings and the boards presented at the Public Workshops.
Through the Lewes Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, seven goals have been established:
Continuous, safe bicycle and pedestrian network that ensures a contemporary pedestrian-friendly environment for visitors and residents.
Low-stress family friendly routes encouraging more biking and less cars in town.
Safe, well-designed pedestrian walkways and bikeways.
Adequate and secure bicycle parking and pedestrian amenities at all major trip destinations, including but not limited to all City parks.
Ensure safety for pedestrians and bicyclists is incorporated into all discussions related to the design, maintenance, or enforcement of all City & State maintained roads.
Through collaboration with DelDOT, prioritize projects to promote safe & friendly biking.
Bicyclist and pedestrian well-being and safety shall be a cooperative undertaking.
All aspects of City government, including its committees, committed to prioritizing bicycle and pedestrian safety initiatives in their work.
Continuously improve bike and pedestrian safety through educational programs.
Adopt community engagement strategies to monitor use of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Develop a concise plan with achievable short and long-term goals.